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A portrait photograph of Johann Grillenbeck



aka Monĕsk

Composer, Artist and Human
navigating the digital age.


Just play me some music!

Latest projects:



Recorded with the WDR Funkhausorchester, conducted by Enrico Delamboye.

Electrified (gameplay showcase)


Gameplay Showcase for Electrified, a puzzle platformer with electromagnetism as the core mechanic.

Riedel Bau (image film)


An image film for web and local cinemas, screened for example at Festungsflimmern (Würzburg).

Spätsommersonne (short film)


Screened at Mittelfränkisches Jugendfilmfestival (Nürnberg) and Werkstatt der jungen Filmszene (Wiesbaden).

Reunited (soundtrack album)


WDR Filmscore Award Winner 2023

Tossed and Found (single release)


My melodic techno project Monĕsk with this year's second release. Currently working on my first full length album.

About Johann

Johann Grillenbeck is a film music composer and electronic music producer from southern Germany. He holds a bachelor's degree in Media Management and a master's in Media Composition. His commercial music project Monĕsk has reached a global audience on streaming and at local festivals since its inception in 2020. In June of 2023 he was presented with the WDR Filmscore Award during SoundTrack_Cologne.

In April of 2024, Johann completed the music for the short film "Spätsommersonne" by Quirin Thalhammer, which will be premiering at festivals in the upcoming months. In Juli 2024, the image film for Riedel Bau premiered at Festungsflimmern in Würzburg. In September 2024 he created a score for the "Electrified" gameplay trailer.


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